Breaking News: Controversy Surrounds Banning Phones in Schools during Emergencies
In a heated debate, proponents of banning phones in schools are facing criticism for not providing a suitable alternative for students during shelter-in-place emergencies. With no clear answer to this crucial question, critics are labeling the belief as one of the dumbest ideas propagated by the boomer generation. As concerns grow over student safety, educators and parents are calling for a balanced approach that prioritizes emergency preparedness while allowing students to have access to their phones. Stay tuned for further updates on this ongoing controversy.
Source : @jdaehan1
Nobody who wants to ban kids from having phones in school has a good answer for what said kids should do in any shelter-in-place emergency.
Truly one of the dumbest boomer beliefs.
— Jack 대한 (@jdaehan1) November 26, 2023